Reckless Brewing Shake & Bake

Reckless Brewing Shake & Bake

It’s SHAKE and BAKE time at Reckless Brewing Co with their latest two releases. Both inspired by the infamous Ballad of Ricky Bobby and co-collaborated on with the iconic Sydney beer bar Bitter Phew. 

Enjoy these offerings individually or together in a tasty Black & Tan.

Shake - American Lite Lager (first pour) 
“There’s been some ace ballads over the years. Waltzing Matilda. November Rain. Always (ok, maybe not). But none top The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, to which this American lager is a loving tribute. Dear lord baby Jesus don't listen to losers like your teacher: this is a beer for WINNERS. After all, if you ain't first, you're last. Shake and bake baby!”

Bake - American Brown (second pour)
“Wrap your mouth around this big hairy American winning machine, Cal Naughton Jr’s Bake to Ricky Bobby’s Shake. Full of rich malt licks and ribbons of choco-caramel wrapped around a finely tuned engine of citrussy hops, it’s like Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt saying, “I want to be formal, but I’m here to party too.” Abracadabra, homes.”