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Range Brewing

Range Brewing '+64 Riwaka' Hazy IPA - Single

Regular price $13.50 AUD
Regular price Sale price $13.50 AUD

+64 R-I-W-A-K-A is a brand new IPA that we've bombed with multiple forms of Riwaka. Building on the legacy of the 1800 Series, the +64 Series celebrates New Zealand’s hop mastery. This is Riwaka unleashed. A juicy tangerine bomb with sticky passionfruit and grapefruit zest punching through like a citrus party in a glass. There’s a whisper of pine resin in the background, keeping it grounded. Soft malts smooth the edges, but this one’s all about bold, brash flavor that comes at you in unrelenting waves of hop seduction. New Zealand hops at their absolute peak.

6.4% ABV

440ml Can
